Our Congregation
The small, Anabaptist congregation (which later became Steinbach Mennonite Church) held its first service on July 17, 1938 led by Rev. Isaac Warkentin. In 1942, the 53-member church was accepted into the General Conference. Learn more about the history of SMC
From our first service in 1942 to the present there have been many pastors and lay ministers who have faithfully served the congregation at SMC and contributed to its change and growth throughout the years. Meet Our Staff
What We Believe
As Anabaptists, we understand worship and work to be one. Services at SMC seek to do the work of worship, prayer, meditation, discernment, witness and service. As the gathered community, our goal is to seek the will of God together and encourage one another to higher levels of discipleship in our journeys through life. Read our Confession of Faith
“True evangelical faith cannot lie dormant. It clothes the naked, it feeds the hungry, it comforts the sorrowful, it shelters the destitute, it serves those that harm it, it binds up that which is wounded, it has become all things to all people.” — Menno Simons
Our Mission Statement
Steinbach Mennonite Church is striving to faithfully follow Christ in worship and service by making disciples, building community and reaching out to the world.
Our Missionaries
We support a wide network of missionaries through regular giving to Mennonite Church Manitoba (MCM) and in partnership with Mennonite Church Canada. We invite you to remember them through your offering to SMC and in your prayers. Updates on these missionaries are available here.